Kantha Work & Khesh Cotton Saree-Chokolate Chokie


Kantha Work & Khesh Cotton Saree-Chokolate Chokie

Design No::5838
Weave Type:: Birbhum Woven Cluster
Work Type :: Handcrafted Nakshi Kantha Stitch
Time To Weave & Craft :: Including Material This Saree Needs More Than One Month To Get Ready.
Threads:: Used Anchor Threads For Crafting.
Fabric:: Pure Khes Cotton
Colour:: Maroon
Dye:: Ajo Free Vat Dye
Length::6.5 MTR including blouse.
Blouse:: Attached ( Same Graceful Handcrafted Piece)
Weight::850gms approx.
Wash:: Dry


The word “kantha” originally suggests a light quilt of mild winters and cool monsoon nights. Though the concept exists in almost all parts of the world, the form of quilting that prevails in Bengal is unique and not only serves as a functional article but also represents the cultural identity and folk art of this land. It is essentially a women’s art since the development of kantha art emerged out of the creative expressions of rural women as gifts for loved ones. Several layers of used or worn out materials such as saris, lungis and dhotis are stitched together to make a single kantha. The colourful patterns and designs that are embroidered on these articles resulted in the name “Nakshi Kantha”- derived from the word “naksha” which refers to artistic patterns. Each of these kanthas represents the contents of a woman’s mind and is filled with romance, sentiment and philosophy. Now kantha becomes very famous as a six yard,s drape.
Weave Type:: Birbhum Woven Cluster
Work Type :: Handcrafted Nakshi Kantha Stitch
Time To Weave & Craft :: Including Material This Saree Needs More Than One Month To Get Ready.
Threads:: Used Anchor Threads For Crafting.
Fabric:: Pure Khes Cotton
Colour:: Maroon
Dye:: Ajo Free Vat Dye
Length::6.5 MTR including blouse.
Blouse:: Attached ( Same Graceful Handcrafted Piece)
Weight::850gms approx.
Wash:: Dry